Project Updates
November 30, 2021
We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded our Neighborhood Matching Fund Grant for the Coe Kids (Safe) Crossing project at 7th Avenue West and West McGraw Street. We feel very fortunate to have been one of the 20 grants awarded out of 44 applications. In addition, we were the only successful applicant from District 7. This is all due to the great work of everyone on the Coe Kids Crossing Team, and the residents, businesses, other organizations, and elected officials in our community who supported our efforts. We owe you a huge “Thank You”.
Now we get back to work promoting the project, asking for additional financial support, and planning a celebration with the community upon completion of the project in the summer of 2022.
If you have already pledged your support, you will be hearing from us soon with a link to the Seattle Parks Foundation (our fiscal sponsor) website where you will be able to actually make your donation. If you haven’t yet pledged, please consider helping support the project. All funds will go toward the actual construction costs, insurance, and fees charged by the fiscal sponsor. The time and professional services of our volunteers is being donated at no charge. Here is a link to the pledge site, and we will contact you directly when the donation site is set up.
Here is a link to the announcement from the Department of Neighborhoods if you would like to read more about the projects that were funded:
Thank you all again! This is a great example of what it means to be part of the Queen Anne community!
Paula Mueller + Jennifer Crow, Co-Chairs
Coe Kids Crossing
The links below will open up separate documents, which contain detailed information about the latest state of the project.